Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions :


  • The Hall can be booked for a 22 hour period, i.e. usage time is from 8a.m. to next day 6 a.m.

or for 12 hours or 6 hours or more as per requirement, subject to availability.

Booking /Payment:

  • In case of extension of time, charges will be levied. Extension charges will be 5000/- per hour applicable if the booking is extended to the following day, subject to availability.
  • The hall is available for all types of social functions on a first-come-first-serve basis. The Hall can be booked on payment of 50% of the total amount and all applicable govt. taxes and levies, payable in advance to "Sarabala Event Enterprises.". The balance 50% shall be payable 30 days before the date of the scheduled function.

Booking Revision Fees:

  • Rs. 10,000/-  will be charged for any change/revision in booking dates, subject to availability, at the prevailing rates on that day.


Cancellation :

  • Cancellation of booking or postponement of the same can only be done 2 months prior to the event. Requests of cancellation and postponement will not be entertained after the 2 months prior the booking (Occasion) date.
  • Booking can be made in any of the banquets of Pradhan Banquet Group. Subject to availability.
  • If no booking is received after the cancellation the entire amount paid in advance would be forfeited. However, if the cancelled date is further booked by another user, 50% of the advance amount shall be refunded. GST is non refundable.
  • If the client wishes to postpone the date instead of cancelling the programme , they can do so within the next one year from the booked date. The availability of the dates depends on the company's available dates. An extra charge of Rs. 10000 will be applied on the postponement.
  • If you wish to postpone your event, the entire payment (new rates applicable) has to be settled to book the venue for a later date.
  • If the client wishes to cancel the booking in case of any unforeseen natural causes no refunds will be made for the cancelled event. The client may postpone the date to any dates available for the particular venue of Sarabala Event Enterprises within a duration of exactly one-year from the previously booked date.

Usage Rules:

  • The articles/furniture and fixtures are to be used properly, with all care and caution, and shall be handed over to the  Company representative in proper condition before vacating the Hall.
  • The user making the booking must inspect the premises, along with a Company representative, prior to taking possession of Sarabala Event Enterprises. Similarly, the User shall handover peaceful possession of premises and vacate in the same condition as was handed over to them. Any discrepancies, i.e. damages done shall be charged as decided by Sarabala Event Enterprises.
  • The designated kitchen area shall only be used for cooking using gas cylinders. Use of coal, wood, electric heaters, etc, in the entire Venue is not permitted. Lift is not allowed to be used for carrying any goods.
  • Consumption of Alcohol/ Intoxicating Items, Smoking and creating public nuisance is strictly prohibited.
  • No live counters are allowed inside the building.
  • In case the User desires to serve alcohol inside the premises of the Hall, it is mandatory on the Urethral/necessary govt. permissions are obtained prior to the function, at the User's own cost. All such approvals shall be submitted in original to the Sarabala Event Enterprises 7 days before the date of function.
  • It is strictly prohibited to spit 'paan' and 'gutkha' in the premises of the Hall . Spitting and soiling the venue  shall attract a penalty of Rs. 5000 (five thousand).
  • Use of loudspeakers, vocal/orchestra performances shall be done strictly as per the Sound Pollution rules of the Govt. of West Bengal and/or any other statutory notices .  Any public performance that consists of Copyright Music, can be performed only after taking the necessary permissions of the statutory authorities. The same shall be handed over to Sarabala Event Enterprises 24hrs prior the event.
  • Use of any crackers or fireworks is strictly prohibited throughout the premises and its surroundings. If used at any point of time, the ongoing ceremony will be stopped immediately, and the incident will be reported to the statutory authority. 
  • The Users shall engage only empanelled Florist/Decorator/Electricians/Sound System/DJ/Cold fire/any smoke Vendor. Outside Vendors not allowed. Sound system is strictly barred from usage outside the building.
  • Sound production and noise related to bands, dj, Barat, etc. is strictly prohibited around the premises of the venue. We keep this measure to ensure no disturbance is caused to the netizens living near our venue.
  • Sarabala Event Enterprises  updates its decorations at all venues every year . The available packages include the most recently upgraded decorations, which feature only artificial flowers. Any customization to the existing decorations will incur additional charges.
  • The User shall be responsible for disposal/removal of all waste materials/garbage accumulated by all vendors hired  by the user. The User shall use appropriate bins for garbage, until it is removed.
  • Vendor personnel shall not be allowed to stay inside the premises after 12 a.m.(midnight).
  • Vendor material must be removed from the premises before 12 a.m.(midnight) on the day of the function.
  • Sarabala Event Enterprises shall not be responsible for any kind of theft/ burglary/ loss of items, and/or any untoward situation that is reported.
  • Use of the Lift for movement of any kind of material is strictly prohibited. Lift is exclusively for facilitating guest movement.
  • All decoration material shall be mounted on self-standing units or hung from pre-provided hooks. Use of nails, glue or other sticking devised  that may damage the walls is strictly prohibited in the Hall and premises.
  • The Company Charges are inclusive of Electricity cost . Air-conditioning will be operative for 6 hours.  If the time limit exceeds 6 hours, an amount of Rs. 3000/- will be charged per hour. In case the power is out , Lights, Fan, Lift will be operative. Air-Conditioners, however, will not operate.
  • The User shall indemnify the Company against any penalties and legal cost incurred due to flouting of rules from any untoward incidents or incidents due to usage of music, sound pollution, liquor license and/or any other items not listed or otherwise.

Force Majeure

While every effort is made to ensure smooth functioning , the Company will have no liability whatsoever in the event of inconvenience, damage, loss or injury faced by any User or User's vendors, guests, invitees or associates, owing to situations beyond  Sarabala Event Enterprises  control, including rains, storms, floods, riots, acts of violence, motivated damage, theft, war, natural calamities or other acts of God. Sarabala Event Enterprises reserves the Right of Cancellation of booking at any time due to unavoidable circumstances. This time 100% advance amount will be refunded.

                   I have read the terms & conditions and agree to abide by the same.



                                                                                                                         (User Signature)

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